
Vision Statement


At Parkfield Community School we develop empathy and understanding through the promotion of positive social and emotional well-being. This includes mental health, resilience and wellness for our whole community within an environment, which is stimulating, secure and inclusive, providing opportunities for all.


Please click the link below to download a copy of the Well Being Action Plan:
Wellbeing Award Updates:

February 2020 - It is with great pride that I can inform you that Parkfield Community School has been awarded with the Well being Award for Schools. Parkfield Community School has been on an incredible journey to embed well being through our whole school community and I would like to personally thank every individual who has shown their continued commitment and contribution to our well being journey. However, this does not mean things stop now, the journey will carry on, as we continue to develop and strengthen are resolve to improve the mental health and well being facilities of our pupils, staff and parents. 

January 2020 - We have reviewed both our action plan and awards criteria and feel we are confident in our progress and efforts towards the achievement of the award. A survey will come round shortly to gain your views on the award and how it has helped Parkfield School. We know we still need to do a little work in some areas, but with your help, and the community's, we will achieve this. 

December 2019 - we are working on ways to best communicate the progress of the wellbeing award to our whole school community. Our personal development lessons are really addressing the points raised through pupil questionnaires regarding their ability to express themselves and how they feel. Mr Lewis has now taken over as coordinator of the award.