“You must never feel badly about making mistakes ... as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons.” ―
Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth


No place for bullying at Parkfield Community School 

At Parkfield, all pupils are taught effective conflict resolution skills, and the process of mediation lies at the heart of classroom life, encouraging pupils to develop positive relationships, trust and open communication. Children are expected to work through issues which may arise and to seek a positive solution.

Key adults, including lunchtime facilitators, are available to listen to pupils and to address their concerns. Children are encouraged to report all incidents of bullying and each case is investigated. School may involve wider family if necessary. 

Friendship buddies actively engage in encouraging positive play and enhanced relationships at break times. All classrooms support our Anti-Bullying Charter.

Parkfield School participates in a Birmingham wide initiative - Anti-Bullying week, a project which recognises the link between bullying and achievement, health and well-being.

Pupils have the opportunity to discuss issues, which may affect them, with our Pastoral Team in the Lighthouse.

Finally, our Emotional Literacy curriculum seeks to teach pupils conflict resolution skills - a vital tool as they face the challenges of adult life.