Pastoral Information
The Role of the Pastoral Team at Parkfield School
Our amazing Pastoral Team offer an early intervention service that can make a real difference to the lives of parents, children and young people in our community.
We aim to:
Empower parents to take an active role in their child’s social, emotional and educational development.
Offer a swift and easy referral route for parents via the school.
Support parents regarding a range of issues that are impacting on their family life.
An integral part of the Pastoral Team is linking families with other agencies both statutory and non-statutory and working in partnership with them for the best possible outcomes.
These agencies may include:
School Nursing Team
Educational Welfare Officers
Citizens Advice Bureau
Counselling services
Sure Start, Local churches and charities
Drug and alcohol services
Mental Health services
Adult Education
Domestic Abuse services (Women’s Aid)
Children’s Centres
Family Support
Parents and children are actively encouraged to seek advice and/or support from any member of our team.
Young Carers Whole School Commitment