School Meals

At Parkfield Community School we pride ourselves on serving healthy delicious dinners every day. We employ our own chef who creates the menu each week according to vegetables that are in season. We grow our own vegetables in our on- site allotment and every day we aim to include something on the menu from the garden.

There is always a range of choice to go with the hot dinners, for example we may have homemade wraps and sandwiches, pasta pots or options from the salad bar. We also serve jacket potatoes with a range of fillings.

Here is what our children say about the meals:

“I love the school dinners because they are delicious” Miriam Year 6

“I like having different types of food every day. The food is always tasty and fresh; they always make sure we enjoy it” Haider Year 6

“I think that our lunch is healthy because they have stopped giving us junk food and for our deserts they give us fruit” Hairah Year 4

“I like jacket potatoes and carrots” Zaydrahim Year 2

“I like lasagne at lunch time” Shoaib Year 4

“I think the school dinners are tasty and delicious” Khuyum Year 5

We have a two week rota for lunch, which changes based on seasonality or for special occasions.

Please see our menus below:

Week 1 
Week 2

All Pupils attending Parkfield Community School will be automatically checked to see if they are entitled to Free School Meals. If you do not agree to the Declaration below please send your Opt Out in writing to the school office.

Free School Meal Checking service.