Our Vision

Parkfield Community School is an inclusive school. We believe that all teachers are teachers of special educational needs and that all children are entitled to an education that enables them to achieve their full potential, thus ensuring that no child is left behind.
We aim to enable children to develop, learn, participate and achieve the best possible outcomes. 
High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised meets the individual needs of the majority of children. However, some children need educational provision that is additional to, or different from, this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. We are committed to ensuring that such provision is made for every pupil that has special educational needs and disabilities.  Our current SEN Policy and SEN Information Report can be found Here
Inclusion is at the heart of everything that we say and do, and all our classrooms are inclusive which create a supportive environment for all learners, including those with learning differences and that can also challenge and engage all learners by building a more responsive environment. Inclusivity means respecting people from all backgrounds and cultures and teaching our students. The importance of this creates a much more tolerant and understanding environment, not just in the classroom and the school but also in the wider society.    
Supporting SEND throughout COVID19

Click the links below to access useful information during these challenging times:

More useful PDFs below (Provided by Birmingham City Council):

Autism Guides - Multilingual

'The convention applies to every child whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, abilities, whatever they think or say, no matter what type of family they come from.' (Rights Respecting Article 2)

'A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life in conditions that promote dignity, independence and an active role in the community.' (Rights Respecting Article 23)

'Education must develop every child’s personality, talent and abilities to the full.' (Rights Respecting Article 29) 

A large part of the role of Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is to work with both staff in our school and outside agencies e.g. health professionals, pupil and school support, communication autism team and educational psychologists, to ensure that all children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are happy, confident and safe to achieve all that they can socially, emotionally and academically.

From September 2014, schools were required to outline and publish the provision they make for children with special educational needs and disabilities. There were many changes and you can read all about them within the SEND Policy and Information Report. The information will hopefully answer any questions that you may have.

If you do have any further questions, concerns or worries you can contact the school SENCO via the school office number: 0121 464 1131 or email

 1. What kind of special educational needs provision is accessible for children at Parkfield

Community School?

Parkfield Community School is a fully inclusive mainstream school with a part time nursery. We ensure that all pupils achieve their potential; personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational need.

2. How do we identify children who may have a Special Educational Need & Disability (SEND)?

· Children entering our nursery are screened using the ‘Development matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage’ assessment profile. This is constantly updated throughout their time in the foundation stage in order to measure progress.

· Regular assessments are made throughout the school year and Pupil Progress meetings are held every term, during which we identify and track children who are not making expected national attainment and/or progress. Interventions/support programmes are then implemented and monitored to ensure that the child makes accelerated progress. Teachers use the Assess, Plan, Do and Review process as advised in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.

3. What provision is made for children with SEND; with and without an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) in respect of:

a) How is the intervention/support monitored as to its effectiveness?

Those children receiving intervention/support are constantly monitored to check whether the gap is being closed.

b) What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing progress of children with SEND?

Those children identified as having SEND are constantly monitored to check whether they are making progress and that the gap in their learning is being closed. This includes termly pupil progress meetings and One Page Profile updates.

c) What is the schools approach to teaching children with SEND?

We are a fully inclusive school, which ensures that all pupils achieve to their full potential, this will be through whole class teaching, differentiated learning, small group work or through 1 to1 teaching. This links in with our No Outsiders ethos and our Rights of the Child approach.

d) How does the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children with SEND?

The curriculum and teaching sequences are adapted to meet the needs of the Individual through ‘High Quality Teaching’. The school takes all reasonable steps to modify/adapt the teaching and the learning environment to meet the individual needs of children. This includes seeking and implementing advice from outside agencies where appropriate.

e) What additional support is available for children with SEND?

The school provides various interventions/booster groups/extra support that meet the individual needs of the children, these include:

  • Phonics
  • Pocket Folders
  • Additional Reading
  • Small Maths and English groups
  • Nurture Groups
  • Sound Training
  • Social Skills Groups
  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills Groups

Children who may require higher levels of support have access to appropriately trained support staff.

f) What support is available for ensuring the emotional and social development of pupils with SEND?

Children access an Emotional Literacy and Equality Curriculum. In addition, nurture groups and activities are also available.

4. Who is the named SEND contact?

The SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is: Mr Mohammed Arshad

He can be contacted via this email address:

Mr Arshad has achieved the SENCO Accreditation Award and has extensive experience supporting pupils with SEND.

Mrs Andrews is the governor responsible for monitoring the provision and attainment for pupils with SEND.

5. What specific expertise is available to children with SEND?

Children with a visual impairment and their families have access to Teachers of the Visually Impaired.

Children with a hearing impairment and their families have access to Teachers of the Deaf.

Children with a physical disability and their families have access to outreach support from Wilson Stuart Special School

Children with a learning disability and their families have access to Teachers from ‘Pupil and School Support Service’ and the Educational Psychology Service.

Children that have a diagnosis of Autism have access to a Communication Autism Team (CAT) worker.

All staff delivering interventions are appropriately trained.

6. What specialist equipment and facilities are there for children with SEND?

Sound Field System

Splitter Screen


Accessible Changing Facilities

7. What arrangements are there for consulting and involving parents of children with SEND?

Parents are actively encouraged to be partners in their child’s education through; informal discussions, telephone contact, home school diaries, progress reviews and yearly written reports.

8. What are the arrangements for consulting children with SEND about, and involving them in, their education?

All children, regardless of SEND, are given targets and are aware of their next steps. Children, who have additional needs, have targets which are shared and reviewed with them. Children who have an EHCP contribute to their annual reviews and to their One Page Profiles which are updated termly.

9. What are the arrangements for parents of children with SEND who may wish to complain about the provision?

Parents who wish to complain are strongly encouraged to initially speak to the SENCO regarding their complaint. If the issue can’t be resolved at this level or the complaint is regarding the SENCO, the parent would be directed to the school’s complaints procedure.

10. How does the school/governing body involve health, social services, LA Support Services, and others in meeting the needs of children with SEND and supporting their families?

In order to meet the individual needs of a child, the school will work with, and seek advice from; an educational psychologist, advisory teacher, speech and language therapist or health colleague to support the child’s academic and social progress.

11. What are the contact details of support services for the parents of children with SEND, including those for arrangements made in clause 32 of the Children’s and Families’ Bill 2014*?

Children’s information and Advice Service (CIAS)

IPSEA Independent Parent Support and Advice 01799 582030

Educational Psychologists 0121 303 1793

Pupil and School Support Service 0121 303 1792

Sensory Support Service 0121 303 1793

Communication & Autism Team 0121 675 5057

Wilson Stuart Outreach Service 0121 306 4806

School Nurses 0121 334 0373/0374

SENAR (Special Educational Needs and Review) 0121 303 1888

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) 0121 333 9193

Speech & Language Services 0121 465 5419

12. What are the school’s arrangements for supporting children with SEND in transferring between phases of education?

. Consultation with parents/carers in how we can best meet the emotional needs of the child

. Consultation with teaching staff, support staff and other lead professionals as to how we can best support the academic, medical and social needs of the child.

. Opportunities for the child and parent to have supported visits to the new situation.

. Transition booklets for the child to prepare them for their new learning environment.

13. Where is the Local Authorities Local Offer published?