Online Safety
14 Sep
Due to the current situation we know many young people are spending more time online. As a result of this, in Birmingham there has been an increase in grooming, exploitation and online abuse. It is often easier for an offender to gain access to a child one-to-one online rather than offline. Please see the information below to help keep your child safe online:
Thinkuknow: Please Click Here
Internet Safety Activities: Please Click Here
Childnet Leaflet - Supporting Young People Online: Please Click Here
NSPCC Leaflet - Share Aware: Please Click Here
eSafety - Parent Guide: Please Click Here
There is also a really good online safety resource created to keep kids safe online during lockdown. Please click the link below for to access this online safety resource:
App to help keep your children safe online: SafeToNet (one million free licences for parents during the Covid-19 pandemic).
BBC’s Own It:
Online Safety advice from the UK Government: