Year 6
Welcome to Year 6!
Hello and welcome to year 6! In our team this year we have Miss Bahia, Mrs Sheikh, Miss Kaur and Mr Birch. Although we will be working hard to prepare for our end of key stage 2 assessments, we also have lots of fun activities planned! We'll be learning all about equality this year, reading books and extracts that help us understand how everyone is different. We will also be learning about life in Japan, how the role of women has changed across history and what life was like for the Windrush generation. We will be writing speeches and performing them in school, and some of us will be going to the Midlands Arts Centre to perform our speeches in a competition with other schools. It's going to be a busy year, but it'll be one to remember!
Year 6 staff are very proud of all the children, they have settled in very well. As it’s the start of the year, we are very much focussed on ensuring routines and structures are well embedded so that effective teaching and learning can take place. In maths we are focussed on calculations and children practise their arithmetic skills daily. The Graveyard book has gripped children’s attention in reading lessons while we explore diaries in writing lessons.
We will be giving children regular homework which will be given out every Friday and should be brought back into school by Wednesday. We have purchased a variety of book to support children’s learning, please support your child in ensuring homework is completed on time. This week we will start afterschool intervention groups where we will provide children with addition support with their learning in small groups. Children can bring healthy snacks to eat prior to the sessions starting, letters have been sent home with those children selected.