“You must never feel badly about making mistakes ... as long as you take the trouble to learn from them. For you often learn more by being wrong for the right reasons than you do by being right for the wrong reasons.” ―
Norton Juster, The Phantom Tollbooth


At Parkfield Community School we work really hard to provide your children with the very best education.

Every minute your child is in school is a learning minute and we believe these are too precious to waste. Attendance is a high priority at this school and our target this year is to achieve 97% attendance.

Check this chart to see how your child’s attendance compares:

Attendance during one school year

equals this number of days absent

which is approximately this many weeks absent

which means this number of lessons missed


19 days

4 weeks

100 lessons


38 days

8 weeks

200 lessons


57 days

11.5 weeks

290 lessons

Frequent absence or arriving late can add up to a considerable amount of lost learning and can seriously disadvantage your child in adult life.

At Parkfield Community school, we use the school attendance mascot, Parkfield Puppy to help children understand that it is important to be present and punctual. We provide rewards for good attendance.

We know there are times when children find it difficult to come to school, such as when they’ve been poorly, have friendship problems, are finding it difficult to settle into new routines, something exciting is happening at home or when school is new and strange, but that is when parents need to help them to feel good about coming to school. Speak positively about school and discuss all the great things your child will enjoy whilst they are here. Always talk to school staff and ask for help if you need it (we have picture books, reward charts, puppets etc to help).

Children with good attendance are happy at school, form friendships and are more likely to meet their targets. 

These children do well at secondary school and go on to do well at college/ university and the world of work.

School is not just about passing exams and reaching levels. Friendships move on very quickly when children are young. If your child arrives late or misses time from school, they may feel left out when their friends play or talk about things they missed.

Education gives choices.  

Many children around the world do not have the opportunity of going to school, or cannot afford an education. We need to ensure all our children make the most of the opportunities they are offered.

This starts by teaching good habits early (in nursery). By establishing good habits now, while the children are young, you will save effort later, when they are older (it can be difficult to encourage a teenager to go to school). 

Every child has the right to an education and the law protects these rights. It is the responsibility of parents to bring their children to school every day on time.

Failing to send your child to school regularly and on time without good reason is a criminal offence.  

Please remember that parental illness, going shopping, visiting sick family , truancy, not wanting to go to school, alleged bullying (speak to school immediately to resolve the issue) are not acceptable reasons to be absent. All of these will be recorded as unauthorised absence, including if your child arrives at school after the close of registration.

Legal action that may be taken include:

Issuing penalty notices: Each parentreceives a penalty notice for each child who has unauthorised absence.  The penalty is £60 or £120 depending on how soon payment is made.  So, if there are two parents and two children the total penalties could be up to £480. Failure to pay may result in prosecution.

  • Taking parents to court for unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1) - magistrates can fine each parent up to £1000 per child, add costs and impose Parenting Orders.
  •  Taking parents to court for persistent unauthorised absence: Education Act 1996 Section 444(1A) - magistrates can fine each parent up to £2,500 per child, impose Parenting Orders and/or impose a period of imprisonment of up to 3 months.
Being taken to court could result in you having a criminal record.

Nobody wants that to happen.

So remember, every moment your child is in school, they are building their own wall of opportunity. The higher and stronger that wall is, the more opportunities and choices your child will have when they are older. The more successful they will be in life!

Ensure there are no bricks missing as your child builds their learning wall.

That way it will not come tumbling down! Remember - You may not even know what bricks are missing until much later on. Lost days are never made up. Help your child to understand that by what you say and what you do.

Too ill to come to school?

Remember to call us first thing in the morning. 

If your child is seriously ill or has an ongoing medical condition which affects their attendance, please contact Mrs Gordon our attendance and punctuality officer for advice.

We are here to help parents, so please talk to us.

Want to visit family or take a holiday?

Check school holiday dates as you cannot take holidays/visit abroad during term time.

Absence during term time is not acceptable for any reason.

There are 175 days a year children are not in school. This is when family visits, holidays, routine medical appointments, dentist check-ups and shopping trips should take place.

So get your school bag and uniform ready, switch off the TV, set the alarm clock and get to bed early. That way you’ll awake happy and ready for a great day tomorrow... and we’ll be waiting for you.
Nursery Attendance

All children attending Nursery will be expected to be in school every day.

If your child’s attendance in Nursery drops below 90% then they may lose their Nursery Place at Parkfield School.

Children will be expected to arrive at Nursery on time every day. Children who arrive late will be turned away and will receive an absent mark. This will then reduce their attendance.

If you think your child is not well you will be expected to send them to school with medicine, ie. Calpol. If we then think that your child is not well enough to be at school we will contact you to collect them.

If your child attends Parkfield Nursery every day they will then be prioritised for a Reception place at Parkfield School.